Sunday, December 28, 2008


Meet our newest member of the family...Kodi (short for Kodiak). He is a six month old Golden Pyraneese. He was a precious gift from my long and dear friend Amber Butler. Isn't he cute?


You've read about it, you've heard about it on the news! It is true. Snowzilla lives and the Greenlands plus faithful Coop went on a hunt on Christmas night. We went, we spotted and we conquered the great SNOWZILLA!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Josh's National Anthem

After listening to Brittney practice the National Anthem for a school project, Joshy decided to sing along. We thought he did pretty good even with his bad cold!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

More Moose in the Hood

Just this week as the kids were playing, we had some friends saunter throught the hood. It would almost be unusual these days if we DIDNT see a moose! Nothing like the great Alaska!

Coop's Bear at Tanada Lake Lodge

Coop and Roger met "Backstroke" the Griz as they were painting the side of their remote lodge on Lake Tanada. Coop's friend Roger own's this fine lodge that you can only fly into on State park land. Cooper was fortunate enough to spend most of his weekends up there with Roger this summer. Check out the Exclusive Lake Tanada Lodge at

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Moose on the Loose

Just thought you all might enjoy a little bit of our Alaska Sunday visitor! Chad took this picture standing in our front doorway!
Here he is munching on our shrub's next to the Armada.

"Daddy, do I have to pose for this picture????"

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Moose in the Hood

This little yearling was hanging out at our neighbors house one morning in the front yard as we were getting in the car to go to school. Moose sighting 58 since moving up in February! They are more common than cats up here!

Uncle Darin comes to town!

Uncle Darin was our first offical guest in our new home in Alaska. He made it just in time for Brittney's Pink Pajama Pinata smashing Birthday party. He met all the requirements and dressed in pink. What a guy! It was wonderful to have Darin around again. He kept us all laughing all weekend and kept Brittney worried and frustrated too! Of course the boys went out and had a good time at all the Anchorage hot spots while Brittney had her birthday slumber party. Boy was she worried about Uncle Darin coming home and pulling up a sleeping bag and snoring in front of all her friends. Uncle Darin, you can come back up any time. We miss you!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bike riding date!

We were able to steal away for a nice long bike ride the other day just the two of us! On the last bit of our ride I met up with a Moose Bull calf that was just as curious with me as I was with him! He casually strolled up to me within just feet before I decided that he outsized me by quite a bit! Very fun! I think if I would have stayed he probably would have come up and tried to get on my bike with me!

Greenland bunnies

Although slightly chilly the Easter bunny made its way through the great white north hiding dozens of eggs. The kids had a great time retreiving the eggs even found some sitting with the Moose nuggets! Thank you to Grandma Sylvia and Grandma Patti for the wonderful Easter gifts!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Train slideshow

Brittney's PINK room

Here we have Brittney's Pink Palace! She often finds me snuggling in on her bed just because it reminds me of the good ol'days of being a little girl.

The Easter Train

Here is the Easter Train that we rode on to Portage Glaicer!

Alaska Railroad Easter Train!

Last Weekend we all got to live out a dream (especially Josh's!) and ride on the Alaska Railroad Train system! Grandma Patti treated us all to a 4 1/2 hour ride starting from Downtown Anchorage to the Portage Glacier and back again! The kids were treated to Magicians, Easter bunny, Easter goodie bag, art project and a coloring contest of which Brittney placed third in her age group and won an Chocolate Easter Bunny. Grandma Patti had the winning raffle ticket for a round trip train ride to Grandview! We had wonderful seats and enjoyed views of Cook Inlet on one side and the mountain side and mountain goats on the other! What a treat ! Now we get to cross another "Alaska Adventure" off the goal list. Although I think we might have to make this an annual Easter event while we are up here.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Nothings changed!

Nothing has changed!
Chad and I had a night out with some Odom friends and a few girls had a whole dance floor (and pole!) reserved to our selves. Don't worry there weren't any viewers. I've met my match with a fellow cinematographer to catch the unsuspecting! Kudo's Emily!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Greenland day at the beach

Create your own photo book in seconds! Click here!

The great white north!

Here you see the kids standing in the middle of a frozen lake that they actually groom and "Zambonie" for the skaters and hockey players. Next to the lake/rink is burn barrels and fire wood to warm up and a coastal trail that runs right next to the ocean for cross country skiers, walkers, joggers and bikers! Also, the kids tucked away in a tunnel under the castle slide.

Ice Castle Slide!

This Castle is completely built out of ice blocks! The slide is right by the skating rink in the town square. Each block is put in place by a team that builds this beautiful castle. It has volunteers all weekend to help the kids (and adults!) play. Josh kept going and going and going!

Funny Chad

This is an cute video of my funny Chad. However it takes a little while to Here are the boys "skating" in the town square!

March 2nd Snow Sculptures

On the last day of Fur Rondy, we took the kids to go see the amazing snow sculptures. There you would see anything from huge snow bunnies, sharks, mermaids, large letters, rockets all the way to the "round table" with Obama, Hillary, Huck and Mac. How creative

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Three against Coop

Here is our Coop in a normal encounter with the B, J&J.

2008 Alaska Iditarod

Another exciting day in Anchorage. The finale of the "Fur Rendevous" is the Alaska Iditarod. Here we are at Grandma Patti's favorite viewing spot. (good to know a local!) Here you'll see two of the almost 100 teams coming through! They start from downtown Anchorage every two minutes. The second team you see in this video is mushed by a woman. Patti, Coop, Chad, Brittney, Joey and Josh are over on the middle left of your screen.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kids in the kitchen

Same furniture, same dishes, same picky eaters...different day, different state!

Our window front view

Here is the view from my front window. We gaze at the Chugach Mountain range. It is awe inspiring. The first few days we were here it was crystal clear and you could see every peak!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Brittney's new sledding hill

Here is Brittney's new front yard snow park! She goes out every day and sleds down the hill. I'm sure all the other kids are watching from inside the windows sipping their hot chocolate! She has been a champ in the transition. She loves her new teacher and even got to take pictures with her teachers camera of the Moose right outside her classroom window!

Goodbye to our Best Friend

Bar none, the day I had to say goodbye to my dear Buck will remain one of the hardest ever. Although we know he is happy and running again we miss him dearly and sometimes I still hear him following me up the stairs. I'll miss his warm soft nose, the way he would always do every trick, listen to every woe and remind me politely by going outside the glass slider and staring at me whenever I had forgotten to refill his water bowl. I'll miss the way he slept with Brittney when she wouldn't sleep through the night and then when he was there..she did! I'll miss the way he would lay on my feet to make sure he knew when I would get up again (besides he kept my feet warm!) Ill miss never worrying about him running off. If he ever was left outside he would just sit on the front porch until we let him back in. I'll never forget the times when people would stop us in traffic to tell us what a beautiful dog he was and I'll never forget how he would get invited to go camping even when we weren't! My favorite memory that he did like clock work was his daily bootie scratch under his favorite tree-it made me laugh every day.

We decided that Buck finally got that big rock at our Coeur d'alene beach that he has been digging up and diving under water for, for over 12 years. Goodbye my sweet brown dog, I'll see you at the beach in heaven.
Buck was one in a billion.

Joshy finally is a train master!

Grandma Patti had been saving Joshy's dream come true with his new "ride". She had the train waiting and ready for Josh in his new home in Alaska. The outfit came with it too and we had no problem getting him to wear it! He rides his train everyday downstairs now while mommy puts away all the boxes and boxes of stuff. I'll try to get a picture of Brittney driving Josh around on the train. Pretty funny stuff. Everyone loves being a kid! Thank you Grammie!

Joey with Buzz Lightyear Alaska Ice Sculpture

We arrived safe and sound in Alaska to start our adventure on Feb 5th. With fabulous blue skies and sub zero temperatures Chad picked us up and took us to our new home. The kids were in school by that Thursday very excited and ready to meet their new teachers and classmates. One of the highlights of our week was when Grandma Patti took us down town to the Anchorage town square where the local artists had carved Galaxy themed ice sculptures surrounding the outdoor ice rink. Bundled in our snow gear at a chilly -14 we had a blast and the kids loved every minute.