Sunday, February 17, 2008

Goodbye to our Best Friend

Bar none, the day I had to say goodbye to my dear Buck will remain one of the hardest ever. Although we know he is happy and running again we miss him dearly and sometimes I still hear him following me up the stairs. I'll miss his warm soft nose, the way he would always do every trick, listen to every woe and remind me politely by going outside the glass slider and staring at me whenever I had forgotten to refill his water bowl. I'll miss the way he slept with Brittney when she wouldn't sleep through the night and then when he was there..she did! I'll miss the way he would lay on my feet to make sure he knew when I would get up again (besides he kept my feet warm!) Ill miss never worrying about him running off. If he ever was left outside he would just sit on the front porch until we let him back in. I'll never forget the times when people would stop us in traffic to tell us what a beautiful dog he was and I'll never forget how he would get invited to go camping even when we weren't! My favorite memory that he did like clock work was his daily bootie scratch under his favorite tree-it made me laugh every day.

We decided that Buck finally got that big rock at our Coeur d'alene beach that he has been digging up and diving under water for, for over 12 years. Goodbye my sweet brown dog, I'll see you at the beach in heaven.
Buck was one in a billion.


Kim said...

We are going to miss that Buck too! So sorry about your loss. I still love that photo of Buck from the river cabin. I will be sure to email to you!

Buck will always have a special place in each of your hearts. The good news is that the Lord makes your heart big enough to be able to love another special family pet someday too!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about Buck Chad & Shell. I know how hard that is. We had to put down our 13 year old Samoyed 3 years ago and it was one of the hardest days of my life. At least your family has a ton of great memories with Buck :)


tcucco said...

Buck had a good life. So smart, so fun, such a good hunter, just plain a great dog. (dogs take on the personalities of their masters)

Anonymous said...

Well, I can say that I have known Buck almost as long as Chad and Shelli. What a special character he was. So patient with the kids, willing to go anywhere, anytime, for any reason. Chad had taught him so many hand signals and tricks I really thought he was the smartest dog I had ever met. Well, next to Judd anyway. He will be missed and he surely was "is' loved.

Anonymous said...

You kill me Shell bell. My hottie hot hotness friend. You make me cry with your stories about buckie. I miss you but am glad you are happy in AK. No I still will not come there in summer or winter but was so glad when you said you were going to be back in the can for August. Please dont post any of the butt pictures you took of me. I know you wont but I had to make sure. Much love! RR

Anonymous said...

Buck was the best neighbor dog friend my dogs ever had! He taught them how to behave, from hand signals to manners. He will be missed very much. I know when my dogs lives come to an end it will be one of the hardest days of my life too. So sorry Greenland family!!!